Plex Media Server

Stream Movies and TV

This is how my friends and family access my media library.


Cloud storage and file hosting

Why pay for cloud storage when I can host it myself?

Coming soon

at some point in the future

Gonna convert these static pages into a WordPress site.

So who am I?

I'm a tech enthusiast that's been messing with computers for 30+ years. I was 9 years old when I learned about the BIOS and how easy it was to use to break my family's i386 PC. In the mid-90's I would dial up into telnet servers before I knew what the internet was. Over the years since, I've learned many things such as building, troubleshooting and repairing PCs, laptops and other electronics. I've experimented with various OSes, software and programming languages. I can also build basic electronics with microcontrollers. Currently I'm putting more effort into learning the server side of computing. Hosting and building this website is part of that effort. I've also recently acquired a 3D printer which will help me develop custom electronics projects quicker.


What am I running this on?

I built this Unraid Server in Feb. '24 so I could have a fileserver with parity protection. It quickly expanded into a streaming server, a cloud storage service, a web host as well as a hub for automating certain tasks. In order to make these features easily accessible to my friends and family, I registed a domain, pointed it at Cloudflare nameservers and then pointed Cloudflare to my Unraid Server which runs a proxy service that will direct the request to the appropriate resource. When I built this machine I didn't know how to do any of this stuff but after a few frustrating attempts, it somehow all works.

Unraid Server Specs/Configuration


Some stuff I've made or modified.

All Projects


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